Good Poop: The Definition of the PWK Logo

Good Poop: The Definition of the PWK Logo

January 18, 2016

In 1989 Paul Klipsch sold Klipsch & Associates to Fred Klipsch. One of the first inquiries raised by the newly-organized marketing department was, "Is there any hidden meaning to the famous pie-shaped logo?"

[Editor's Note: This edition of the Klipsch logo is used exclusively on the Klipsch Heritage Series speakers. It is now referred to as the PWK seal. For more information on Klipsch branding, click here.]

Some of us "old hands" understood the basic idea - it was the top view of a corner horn, but we really needed PWK to weigh in on any nuances. In his inimitable fashion he offered us the complete definition below:


The logo of Klipsch & Associates, Incorporated features a corner loudspeaker. The principle involved is that all speakers work better in a corner, regardless of the basic speaker design.

The logo depicts a loudspeaker emitting sound waves. These radiates as circular wave fronts, which in a corner environment would be quadrants of circles.

The choice of seven for the number of wave fronts was prompted by the passage in the Bible referring to the seven good years followed by the seven lean years. Also in the Old Testament was the use of seven golden candlesticks in the tabernacle. Seven seems to have been a good choice to illustrate sound radiating from a loudspeaker. More would be too complicated, fewer would be too simplistic.

As a logo it has withstood the test of time. I recall the "logo" of the Packard radiator shape. It seemed to me this status symbol was allowed to lapse. Packard is no more. I feel that Ford made a good move by restoring the script Ford. Also, Pratt & Whitney returned to the original "flying eagle" symbol as the modern, graphic interpretation was far less recognized and less liked by their customers.

Do you have your own Paul W. Klipsch story that would be good for “Good Poop”? Post it in the comments below.

What is “Good Poop”?

Learn more about Paul W. Klipsch